omw  0.1.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NomwMain namespace
 NansiescANSI Escape Sequences
 NcsiCSI (Control Sequence Introducer)
 NcolorsPredefined Colors
 NwindowsWraping and helper functions for the Windows API
 CenvVar_not_foundAn exception, indicating that the specified environment variable could not be found
 Cinvalid_unicodeAn exception, indicating the presence of an invalid unicode codepoint
 Cresource_not_foundAn exception, indicating that the specified resource could not be found
 CexceptionAn exception of the C++ std. See std::exception for detailed information
 Cinvalid_argumentAn exception of the C++ std. See std::invalid_argument for detailed information
 Clogic_errorAn exception of the C++ std. See std::logic_error for detailed information
 Cout_of_rangeAn exception of the C++ std. See std::out_of_range for detailed information
 Crange_errorAn exception of the C++ std. See std::range_error for detailed information
 Cruntime_errorAn exception of the C++ std. See std::runtime_error for detailed information
 CstringC++ standard string. See std::basic_string for detailed information